
Home > Shop by Product > General Cleaning > "Elbow Grease" All Purpose Cleaner, Lemongrass

All Purpose Cleaner, Lemongrass

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Small bottle – Big results.

Our all purpose cleaner, Elbow Grease, can be safely used in full strength on porcelain, stainless steel and the hard plastics used for toilet seats... so generally, great for bathroom / kitchen sinks, tubs, toilets and appliances. Where it gets tricky is on countertops and floors. Any surface that is porous is a no go - such as hard wood floor. The lemon in the product will strip the finish and absorb into the wood leaving that opaque white mark that you see if you cut a lemon in half and place it down on a wood surface. Even the coating on stone, marble or quartz might be porous. In these instances, our recommendation is to pump a couple of sprays while you are filling a bowl, sink or pail of hot water (it will foam up a bit) and do a spot test on a discreet location of the surface in question. Personally, we use full strength on our laminate cabinets and it works great... but you never know, so best to cautious.


All-Natural and Toxin free. Click here for more info on our ingredients.

Highly concentrated = smaller packaging & smaller footprint.
Aluminum bottles are refillable, reusable, and highly recyclable.