LFT Blog

Plastic Pollution - Is Canada Doing Enough? Post 2 of 4

Plastic packaging and single-use plastics (SUPs) account for 35% of all plastics on the market in 2018. They also make up over 50% of all plastic waste generated in Canada, with less than 14% recycled, meaning most ends up in landfills, incinerators, or the environment, including the oceans. Canada is proposing a no-more-plastic action...
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Plastic Pollution - Is Canada Doing Enough? Post 1 of 4

The 4th of 5 UN summits to end Plastic Pollution was held in Ottawa from April 23 to 29th. Delegates from 176 countries met to further negotiate the “Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution”, which is set to be finalized by the end of 2024, after the final session in Nov/Dec. The process of...
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